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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

Y7 Microbes and Me - Friend or Foe

10th Feb 2022

Just before half term Year 7 took part in a My Science Microbiology Society Champion Activity offered through STEM NI Hub.  The Science Workshop called Microbes and Me: friends or Foe was a practical introduction to the world of Microbiology.

The session started with a brief PowerPoint presentation and video highlighting the wonderful world of microbes around us and the role they play. Pupils then used their science packs and swabbed selected locations in and around their classrooms to see what microbes might grow. They left their petri dishes in an incubator overnight at 37 degrees to see what would grow. The following morning they examined their petri dishes for microbes. they were amazed at their findings! They created their own microbes and wrote up their experiments. It was great fun!