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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

iMatters Friends & Friendships

26th Apr 2022

The “iMatter” programme is intended to support the entire school community to be engaged in promoting resilient emotional health for all pupils.

Friends and friendships - Not everyone finds it easy to make friends. It is important to mix with others and have true friends. If you find it hard to mix with others join a youth club or get involved in events your school is running. Everyone is nervous about making new friends - Don’t Worry! It takes time to make friends and when friends fall out it can be upsetting. But remember falling out is a normal part of a friendship. If a friend tells you something and asks you not to tell anyone or you’re concerned about them, don’t keep it to yourself, tell someone you trust. A friend should be kind, help you when you are in need, listen to you when you need to talk and not put in you in danger. A friend should accept you for who you are.

See the attached flyer for helplines and websites for support.