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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

Feb Blog 2017

24th Feb 2017

February Update:

We held a very successful and effective Internet Safety Day on the 7th February. Classes across the school engaged in some really interesting activities. Our Internet Safety Team pupils dressed up as superheroes and brought valuable advice to each class on how to stay ‘super’ safe online.

The school is in the final stages of submitting a two year Erasmus+ bid. This will link six schools across Europe who will collaborate to develop STEM, coding and language skills. It will be a big step in our journey to bid for the International School Award.

Key Stage 2 also completed another ‘Author Bash’ theme day as they learned about Michael Morpurgo and then had a fun house competition table quiz. This is all part of our goal to improve pupils’ love of literacy and increase their attainment in reading.